Did you just
have a baby
but STILL look
Not sure what to do about it?
Let me help you.
In 2009, I became a doctor in physical therapy. This is where I developed a passion for women’s health and specifically, pregnancy and postpartum wellness.
After combining my knowledge of the human body and my own experience of giving birth to four children, I knew that I could help other women who desperately needed guidance as they navigated their months during postpartum recovery.
Since I have started sharing my knowledge, I am overwhelmed at the scope of how my postpartum education has positively impacted thousands of women.
When I first became pregnant in 2012, I knew I could stay fit during all three trimesters, but felt almost clueless and concerned with how to exercise after giving birth.
I had no guidance from family members, friends, nurses or doctors on how to prepare for the “4th trimester”. You can imagine my shock and sense of hopelessness after giving birth to my first daughter when I realized the pregnant “mommy pooch” was still there. I wanted it gone and quickly!
I learned so much during my postpartum recovery and don’t want another woman feeling lost and hopeless like I did.
After going through this tough time, I decided to use my physical therapy background and knowledge of the human body to develop a 12 week exercise program.
My goal was to educate moms in postpartum recovery on when to exercise, how to exercise safely and the most effective way to restore their core.
My plan and techniques are proven; they were successful for me during all four of my postpartum recoveries. Within 4 months postpartum, I had my pre-pregnancy body back, and I felt confident and healthy.
The biggest lesson I learned through my postpartum process is that you don’t have to settle for a mediocre body after giving birth. You have the strength to succeed, and in this simple 12 week program I am going to show you how to get your pre-pregnancy body back.
Getting a flat postpartum belly is possible
You may feel like it’s impossible to get your pre-pregnancy body back because you haven’t seen it done. You may also feel like you can’t get that body back because your pregnancy was exhausting, your energy is low and taking care of a newborn often leaves little time for yourself. You can have success with this program; my 12 week plan is developed based on my physical therapy background and designed to guide you toward achieving a restored core.
After having a baby it can be hard starting something new; initiating a new workout program may seem especially daunting. I have designed this program to be simple where you only need 90 seconds to complete your first workout on Day 1. From there, the program gradually progresses so that you’ll never be blindsided by an overwhelming amount of exercise. It’s safe and easy to start and by the time you’re done, you will be surprised at how much strength you have gained early on in your postpartum recovery.
This eBook is a Godsend to any new busy mom looking to get her postpartum recovery off to the right start! Especially if you are looking to get back into working out postpartum this book will teach you how to do it the right way! If you jump back into exercise too quickly after having a baby you can easily incur injury or make residual symptoms of pregnancy like DR even worse! Dr. Jena goes into so much detail in this book about proper postpartum recovery. She starts you from the time of having your baby and walks you through exactly how to best recover your core to once again get a flat belly postpartum step by step. Postpartum recovery is a marathon, not a sprint and Dr. Jena knows exactly how to approach it as such. Her gentle exercises are extremely detailed and aid in strengthening you as a new mom from the inside out. I was so surprised that when beginning with some of the abdominal bracing exercises at the very beginning of her program that seem so easy while doing them, that I was actually sore (good exercise sore) the next day! Revealing to me how much the stretching of carrying a baby had weakened my muscles postpartum, and how deeply you truly need to strengthen yourself before progressing to more difficult workouts. This program walks you through postpartum abdominal repair step-by-step to do just that. From a very specific gentle and progressive exercise routine, to how to best adjust to the strenuous new physical positions of motherhood (like postural suggestions for the hours of breastfeeding you are suddenly thrown into). This eBook covers it all! Within only 12 weeks “Postpartum Ab Rehab” will have strengthened your core so deeply that your body will be ready to tackle any exercise routine! Thank you for this wonderful program Dr. Jena!
Want this program? Jump straight to the packages.
What you’ll learn…
First 48 Hours After Birth
The first 48 hours after childbirth can be overwhelming with a lot of unknowns. Learn how to safely restore your core initially after giving birth by using a postpartum belly wrap and discover other ways to speed up your recovery. You’ll also get a clear expectation of what your postpartum body will look like right after labor and delivery.
The 6 Week Postpartum Wait
Should you or should you not work out during the 6 week postpartum wait? Using medical guidelines, I will answer this question to give you an understanding of what exercises are recommended during the first 6 weeks of your postpartum journey.
12 Week Ab Rehab Program
The foundation of this eBook is my 12 week Postpartum Ab Rehab program where you will learn the exercises that specifically target your core muscles at the right time in order to fully restore your post-pregnancy body. Learn the process to flatten your belly by the time your baby turns 4 months old.
New moms who have had C-sections require a different approach when it comes to postpartum recovery. Learn how to restore your ab muscles safely and properly after having a C-section without the possibility of causing more harm or increasing pain.
Diastasis Recti
Diastasis Recti is extremely common after pregnancy; more than 40% of women will experience this condition. Learn what it is and how you can still improve your core strength without making the separation between your ab muscles worse during postpartum recovery.
Nutrition and Diet
Exercise alone cannot magically flatten your belly after having a baby. This chapter will teach you the importance of nutrition and diet and how they will help speed up your postpartum recovery. Also shared are helpful diet tips that are safe for moms who are breastfeeding or are exclusively pumping.
Getting into shape after pregnancy is hard, especially trying to heal your core and loose the postpartum pooch! Dr. Jena’s book walks you through each phase of recovery step by step and makes it easy for any mama to get back into shape after having a baby! She tells you exactly what to do, what to avoid and gives you the most effective ways to get your pre baby belly back!
Keep scrolling to learn more!
What’s inside the eBook?
29 chapters with immediate steps you can take to fully restore your core after pregnancy which helps you become healthier and more confident in your postpartum body.
This book is so helpful and detailed! The images and action steps make it super easy to follow and understand. I also love that there is a precise schedule that can guide any mom through the entire process.
After having three children, I never thought I would feel confident wearing a bathing suit. I knew my kids didn’t care what I looked like, but deep down it still bothered me. This amazing resource not only made me feel healthier and stronger, but it gave me back my confidence- which to me is priceless. I would recommend this to all mothers, as a way to get your pre-pregnancy body back and feel like yourself again. It is easy to follow, and actually fun!
Part 1: What To Do In The Hospital
1. Delivery Day
2. Postpartum – Day 2
Part 2: What To Do When You Get Home
3. Home Sweet Home
4. Posture During Baby Care
5. Exercise During The 6 Week Wait
Part 3: STAGE 1- Getting Started
6. Brief Anatomy Lesson Of The Abs
7. First Postpartum Exercise – Abdominal Bracing
8. Monitor Your Tolerance and Progress
9. How To Incorporate Ab Bracing Into Your Everyday Life
Part 4: STAGE 2- Advancing Slowly
10. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Arms
11. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Legs
12. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Arms and Legs
13. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Heel Slides
14. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Bridge
15. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Straight Leg Raise
16. Abdominal Bracing With Alternating Bridge + Leg Raise
17. Progressing Through Stage 2
Part 5: STAGE 3- Fast Progression
18. Abdominal Bracing With Bicycle
19. Abdominal Bracing With Double Leg Lowers
20. Crunches
21. Mountain Climbers
22. Planks
23. Side Planks
Part 6: STAGE 4- Conquer Anything
24. The Possibilities Are Endless
Part 7: This, That, and The Other
25. Diet and Nutrition
26. Postpartum Belly Wraps
27. Diastasis Recti
28. C-Sections
29. The Big Take Away
This book is an amazing resource for moms after having a baby. I love the action steps after each chapter and how it really breaks down how to care for your postpartum body day by day. It even includes questions to ask your primary care provider that I would have never thought of. The program Dr. Jena outlines is simple, yet challenging. But perhaps my favorite part is the encouragement she offers throughout the book for moms to take it slow and respect their bodies during this precious time.

Dr. Jena Bradley is a full time mom and physical therapist who runs a pregnancy and postpartum health and fitness blog, Live Core Strong. Through her blog, Jena has successfully blended two facets of her life, motherhood and physical therapy, to create a helpful resource for the next generation of health-minded moms. Her medical background and experience as a mom give her a strong platform to share real life knowledge with her followers.
Jena graduated in 2009 with a doctorate from the #1 ranked physical therapy school at The University of Pittsburgh. Shortly thereafter, she became a wife and mother. Currently she lives in the Pittsburgh area where she raises four beautiful little girls with her husband, Darren.
Jena is a faithful servant of God and is active in the Women’s and Children’s Ministry at her church. She loves chocolate and will always choose hot chocolate over a cup of coffee. Spending meaningful time outdoors with her family is what brings her the most joy in life.
Dr. Jena’s blog was a huge help when I was recovering from my first pregnancy. I have really enjoyed reading Postpartum Ab Rehab now that I am pregnant with my second child. I know that I will be able to use this 12 week program to recover even faster than the first time, in a safe and healthy way.
The Packages
The Master Package
Includes PDF eBook, 14 Printables that include Cheat Sheets, Calendars and Program Charts, Private Facebook Group Access plus 14 Step-By-Step Video Tutorials.

Postpartum Ab Rehab
Over 120 pages of expert medical advice including a 12 week restorative ab program to safely and effectively flatten your postpartum belly.

Step-by-Step Program Outline, Charts, Calendars, and Cheat Sheets
14 pages of printables outlining the program + cheat sheets and calendars to keep you on track and finish the program with success!

Access To Private Facebook Group
A personalized mentorship group with enthusiastic, helpful and like-minded new moms + guidance, medical tips and advice from a physical therapist.
14 Step-by-Step Instructional Video Tutorials

1. Abdominal Bracing
2. Abdominal Bracing with Alternating Arms
3. Abdominal Bracing with Alternating Legs
4. Abdominal Bracing with Alternating Arms and Legs
5. Abdominal Bracing with Heel Slides
6. Abdominal Bracing with Bridge
7. Abdominal Bracing with Straight Leg Raise
8. Abdominal Bracing with Bridge + Straight Leg Raise
9. Abdominal Bracing with Bicycle
10. Abdominal Bracing with Double Leg Lowers
11. Crunches and Modified Crunches
12. Mountain Climbers and Modified Mountain Climbers
13. Planks and Modified Planks
14. Side Planks and Modified Side Planks
The Master Package is more than a collection of postpartum exercise tips…
Yes, Postpartum Ab Rehab teaches the most effective method for restoring your postpartum core in a safe and medically approved way, but it’s so much more than just a collection of postpartum exercises. It is a complete 12 week program + video collection that will eliminate the frustration that many moms experience when it comes to losing their postpartum belly. I will be your coach and mentor, here to support you in every stage of your journey. I commit to guiding you through my program, starting 48 hours after you give birth up to the 4 month mark when you achieve the pre-pregnancy belly you have been working towards.
This book is a must-have resource for anyone looking to start their postpartum fitness journey. It clearly lays out everything you should be doing (and, more importantly, what you should NOT be doing!), and it shows you how to gradually build a workout routine to support those amazing abs that have done so much work in the last nine months! When I have my next baby, I’m going to end up with the best abs I’ve ever had in my life following this routine!
The Advanced Package
Includes PDF eBook, 14 Printables that include Cheat Sheets, Calendars and Program Charts plus Private Facebook Group Access.

Postpartum Ab Rehab
Over 120 pages of expert medical advice including a 12 week restorative ab program to safely and effectively flatten your postpartum belly.

Step-by-Step Program Outline, Charts, Calendars, and Cheat Sheets
14 pages of printables outlining the program + cheat sheets and calendars to keep you on track and finish the program with success!

Access To Private Facebook Group
A personalized mentorship group with enthusiastic, helpful and like-minded new moms + guidance, medical tips and advice from a physical therapist.
I wish I had a book like this after my first to prepare me for postpartum, luckily I have it in time for baby girl #2! It is a must have for all mommas ready to get their tummy back. I was impressed how Dr. Jena goes into detail with what to do once you give birth, the types of belly wraps to use and exercises to perform so you can bounce back in 12 weeks! Not to mention the worksheets provided to keep track of your progress. I love it and highly recommend this book to all mommies!
I found Postpartum Ab Rehab late in my postpartum recovery journey but what I have learned from reading this book is invaluable. The program is simple to follow and the exercises are excellent for targeting the right muscles to restore my core.
The Starter Package
Includes PDF eBook of Postpartum Ab Rehab: The Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core

Postpartum Ab Rehab
Over 120 pages of expert medical advice including a 12 week restorative ab program to safely and effectively flatten your postpartum belly.
Dr. Bradley’s book is full of insight and inspiration to get you back in shape after having your baby. With clear step-by-step instructions she guides you towards a healthy core and a happy mindset.
Postpartum Ab Rehab is a fantastic resource for new moms and moms-to-be. If you’re pregnant and hoping to make your postpartum body a priority, read this book! It’s like having a friend who is an expert in postpartum recovery sit down and walk you through exactly what to do and what not to do. This is a perfect step-by-step guide for new moms looking to regain their physical health and confidence the right way.
Can I still do the Postpartum Ab Rehab program if I am past 6 weeks postpartum?
Yes you can! In the book, my 12 week exercise program begins at 6 weeks postpartum, but you can start anytime during your postpartum recovery. I recommend starting at the 6 week mark, but if you happen to get your hands on the book a bit late, it’s ok, simply start the program as soon as you can. You’ll see amazing results no matter how far along you are in your postpartum recovery.
When should I start reading the book, during pregnancy or during postpartum?
If you have the opportunity, I recommend you start reading the book during pregnancy. Once your baby arrives, your time will be consumed with changing diapers, feedings and rocking your baby to sleep. It is helpful to be proactive and read as much as you can during pregnancy so you have an expectation of what’s to come. You can also read it during postpartum recovery, that way you will work day-by-day through the book. Either way, the book is designed for postpartum recovery at any stage.
Should I still buy the book if I had a C-Section or suffer from Diastasis Recti?
First, I recommend that you get your doctor’s approval before beginning an exercise program if you recently had a C-section or if you suspect you have Diastasis Recti. Show your doctor this website describing the book and the program. Ask your healthcare provider if you are cleared to do it . Depending on the severity of your condition and other factors, only your doctor can determine what’s best for you.
Which package is best for me?
The Master Package is for you if:
- You want to take advantage of all Postpartum Ab Rehab has to offer.
- You want to use the video series to motivate you to do the exercises and you want to learn the correct exercise form.
- You know the importance of being organized and keeping track of your progress with printables and cheat sheets because they will help you stay focused through the program.
- You will benefit from being part of a Facebook mentorship group full of other moms who are going through the same recovery process. You are also eager to have access to the guidance and expertise of Dr. Jena Bradley.
The Advanced Package is for you if:
- You are primarily interested in the printables, worksheets, cheat sheets and calendars to keep track of your progress as you move through the program.
- You like having access to resources that are convenient and time saving.
- You feel confident in your ability to keep up with a new workout routine and you don’t feel the need to watch instructional videos.
- You know there is value in a Facebook mentorship group with other postpartum moms who are going through the program at the same time. You are also eager to have access to the guidance and expertise of Dr. Jena Bradley.
The Starter Package is for you if:
- You want the basics; the book alone is all you need.
- You are a quick learner and don’t need guided explanation of the exercises through a video series.
- You may not need the “extras” (printables, cheat sheets and calendars) because you can easily keep up with the program using your own resources for tracking progress.
Dr. Jena Bradley’s Postpartum Ab Rehab is one of the most informative core rehab guides I’ve seen! As a currently pregnant mama, I’m looking forward to using this guide to help strengthen and rehabilitate my core after my baby is born. The guide is not only a 12-week rehab program, but it also goes into tremendous details to help you better understand your core, it’s role in pregnancy/birth and the postpartum changes you can expect to experience AND the rehab work it takes for restoration. I cannot say enough great things about this guide and I’m looking forward to putting it all into action here soon. 🙂
This Postpartum Ab Rehab Book is amazing! Dr. Jena does such a great job of breaking down each step from day of delivery to beyond your 6 week check up. The nerd in me even loves the little pockets of anatomy lessons throughout. The exercises she gives, the pictures, and worksheets she includes are all so helpful with postpartum recovery because we all know postpartum recovery can take forever if not done right the first time.

Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core
How using a simple and strategic program can help you get your pre-pregnancy body back and fully restore your core postpartum by the time your baby is 4 months old.
Choose your package!
The Starter Package
- PDF eBook of Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program To Safely Restore Your Core
- 29 Chapters | 120 Pages
The Advanced Package
- PDF eBook of Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program to Safely Restore Your Core
- 29 Chapters | 120 Pages
- Access to the Exclusive Postpartum Ab Rehab Facebook Group
- 14 Pages of Printables including:
- Calendars
- Cheat Sheets
- Charts
- Worksheets
- Exercise Glossary
The Master Package
- PDF eBook of Postpartum Ab Rehab: A Simple 12 Week Program to Safely Restore Your Core
- 29 Chapters | 120 Pages
- Access to the Exclusive Postpartum Ab Rehab Facebook Group
- 14 Video Tutorials with Exercise Instructions and Demonstrations by Dr. Jena Bradley, DPT
- 14 Pages of Printables including:
- Calendars
- Cheat Sheets
- Charts
- Worksheets
- Exercise Glossary